Meaning vs. Existential Emptiness

Meaning vs. Existential Emptiness

¿What is the meaning of life?
For Viktor E. Frankl, the father of logotherapy, the meaning of life differs from one man to another, from one day to another, from one hour to another. Thus, what matters is not the meaning of life in general terms but the concrete meaning of each individual's life at a given moment. Just as in chest there is no best or perfect move, if it is considered outside the special situation of fire and the peculiar personality of the opponent.

The meaning of existence and the desire to find a specific personal meaning or, in other words, the Will to Meaning, are part of existential frustration. However, a certain amount of conflict is normal and healthy.

Thus, the Will to Meaning is the first motivating force of man in the struggle to find a meaning in his life. It constitutes a primary force and it is oneself who has to find it. Only in this way, man manages to achieve a meaning that satisfies his own will for meaning.

The search for meaning in one's existence is not the result of mental illness, given man's interest and even desperation for what is valuable in life. For Frank, it is more of a spiritual illness (and just to avoid confusion, it has nothing to do with religion).
Therefore, it is not good to resort to tranquilizing drugs to bury existential despair, in any case, this search is more a driver towards growth and development.
I would dare to say that there is nothing in the world that can help us survive even in the worst conditions like the fact that life has a meaning.
There is much wisdom in the phrase that says: He who has a why to live can bear almost any how. This phrase from Nietzsche reminds us that it is our purposes that give us energy and motivation to move forward, to face our difficulties and overcome our fears.

In the case of Dr. Frankl, the Nazi concentration camps witnessed that the most capable of survival were those who knew and thought that a task awaited them. As soon as he was interned in the Auschwitz camp, a manuscript ready for publication was confiscated from him. His deep interest in rewriting the book helped him overcome the rigors of that camp. The reconstruction of the work he lost in the disasters of the Bavarian concentration camp helped him overcome the danger of collapse.

We must challenge ourselves to fulfill our potential meaning. To strive for a goal that is worthwhile for us, to heed that call of a potential meaning that is waiting to be fulfilled. To heed that tension that is inherent to the human being and therefore is indispensable for mental well-being.

Many people lack this feeling of inner emptiness. They harbor a desert within themselves and live trapped in this situation called existential emptiness.
We must remember that the meaning of life is always changing, it never stops and has nothing to do with self-realization, but with the lens through which we look at our world, because the more man strives to achieve self-realization, the more it escapes him.

¿Is the meaning of life invented or discovered?
For this Holocaust survivor, the meaning of life is not invented, but discovered. Frankl argues that each individual must find his or her own meaning through personal experiences and challenges.
However, there are other perspectives that suggest that the meaning of life can be invented by each person, depending on their personal beliefs and values. In this sense, some believe that it is a combination of both: it is discovered through introspection and experiences, but it is also invented by giving it a personal purpose and meaning.

¿What do you think? ¿Do you think the meaning of life is discovered, invented, or a mixture of both?

My MorÄleja,

After all, we could conclude that, we should not look for the abstract meaning of life because each one has his own mission to fulfill, and each one must carry out a specific task.

Credits English translation>
@vanyersolorzano "The Husband"

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