Prioritizing our Self-Care is Loving Us!

Prioritizing our Self-Care is Loving Us!

Self-care are all those actions that help us stay physically, mentally and spiritually healthy.
It seems obvious to take care of ourselves or some common sense, but it is the first thing we abandon when we find ourselves in challenging situations.
For this reason, it is so important to prioritize ourselves and not leave ourselves aside.
Engaging in a self-care routine benefits concentration, increases happiness, improves energy and has many positive effects.
From a physical health perspective, preventative conscious self-care seeks to maintain health and beauty. Spiritually, it is possible that self-care can help us stay in sync with our higher strength and, in turn, find our life purpose.
I insist!! It is necessary that we take a moment each day for ourselves, even if this time is short. Another great thing about self-care is that it doesn't have to cost you a cent. You can even achieve it in the comfort of your home and space.

Dare to continue your search until you find the routine that suits you best, do it consciously and regularly so that it has the greatest impact. Even if you only spend 5 minutes spread throughout the day, it is undoubtedly better than nothing. Over time you will notice a significant improvement in your overall health and well-being. Even if you're just starting out, you'll be able to see some results almost immediately.
As if it were about following our impulses more to do what the body asks of us, rather than what is imposed or what we are supposed to like, I give you some keys to achieve that re-connection with your personal care:
* Listen to us. * Stop, rest. * Give us love. * Remember that we are nature. * Move to reconnect. * Feel in harmony.
…and if you need it, here are some suggestions for activities to develop according to your tastes and lifestyle:
Talk to someone, reflect, exercise, listen to music, go for a walk, watch a series or movie that reflects your mood (or that does the opposite and helps you change it), cry to vent, hug someone, laugh, take a nap.
Go for a walk in a pleasant place, breathe fresh air, enjoy the sun, delight in looking at the sky at night, clean and re-design an environment in your house.
Read, listen to audiobooks, journal, watch documentaries, do crossword puzzles, be aware of the world around you, be curious, try something new, discover your artistic or creative side, start taking a class, finish a study program , graduate.
Eat healthy, have your annual health check-up, visit the dentist, take your medications correctly, sleep 7 to 9 hours, see the doctor when necessary. Perform your skin care routine.
Get together with friends and family, connect with old friends, volunteer, have fun, engage in healthy use of social media, exude positivity, use technology when distance is an impediment, laugh a lot.
Meditate, pray, reflect, do yoga, visit a spiritual place, do good things for others, be mindful, think about the purpose and meaning of your life, think about your higher strength, love each other, help those who love you. need.
Keep in mind that self-care is about yourself. What works for some people may not work for others, but that's the beauty of the self-care routine.


My MorÄleja,
Taking a little time to engage and prioritize our self-care will help us alleviate the pressures of everyday life, allowing us to renew ourselves to return to a healthy point where we maximize the true meaning of life.
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Encuentrate contigo mismo y asi seras capaz de ver la realidad que vives y podras irradiar luz y por ende se benefiaciara muchas personas de tu entorno. Animo encuentrate a ti mismo…. como ? Mira asi a dentro de ti y veraz lo maravillo que eres, pero Primero Dios 🙏🏾

El mejor

Autocuidarnos es una forma de ser agradecidos con nuestro cuerpo, con la naturaleza humana y con el regalo maravilloso de la vida que nos ha dado Dios.

Maryu Diaz

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